It’s time for the Mary Alice Rice “Twelve Days of Christmas” Memorial Fundraiser!
Tickets are $20 and give you a chance to win these fabulous prizes (including a chance at the Grand Prize of $1,000)! For tickets call (251) 478-3381 or (251) 479-7881.
December 9: Irish Christmas Basket
Bailey’s Irish Cream, Callaghan’s $50 gift card, 2 tickets to Celtic Christmas, Irish coffee, an Irish nutcracker
December 10: Christmas Downtown Package
$50 gift card to Wintzells’ Downtown, 2 tickets to the Nutcracker Ballet, $25 gift card to Three Georges
December 11: Winter Comfort Basket
A fire pit, throw blankets, hot chocolate, marshmallows, coffee, tea, popcorn, $50 gift card to Panera Bread, Smores ingredients, firesticks, Christmas movies and CDs.
December 12: Creole Christmas Package
$50 gift card to Rouse’s, $50 gift card to the Ruby Slipper, gumbo bowls, spoon and cookbook, assorted Creole spices, roux mix, red beans and rice, Creole coffee and tea.
December 13: Bellingrath Gardens Christmas in Lights & Dinner
Gardens/Lights Admission for 4 adults and 4 children, $25 gift card to Bellingrath gift shop, $50 Gift card to the Lighthouse Restaurant.
December 14: Christmas Escape Package
One night stay at the Battlehouse Hotel downtown, $50 gift card to Dauphin’s Restaraunt, 1 bottle of champagne with wine glasses, $25 gift card to Serda’s Coffee Shop.
December 15: Santa & Mrs. Claus Christmas Gifts
It’s a surprise!
December 16: Christmas Shopping Spree
$50 gift card to Costco, $50 gift card to Sam’s Club, $50 gift card to Wal-Mart, $25 gift card to Chick-fil-A.
December 17: Mardi Gras Basket
$40 Toomey’s gift card, $50 gift card to Atlanta Bread Co., 4 tickets to the Mobile Carnival Museum, Mardi Gras glasses, beads, moon pies, begnets, pralines, & King Cake mixes.
December 18: Christmas Basket of Cheer
EJ Brandy, Jose Cuervo Golden Margarita, Smirnoff Vodka, Tanqueray Gin, Crown Royal, 2 bottles of wine, Original Rabbit Corkscrew, Michelob Ultra, assorted nuts.
December 19: Pandora Bracelet with two diamond clips
December 20: Christmas Feast Basket
$100 gift certificate to Honey Baked Ham, $50 gift card to Pollman’s Bakery, 12 Days of Christmas Dinner & cocktail napkins, 2 bottles of wine.
December 21: Grand Prize $1,000